52 Suburbs

I've got alot to catch up on, but for now this is a GREAT introduction to Sydney.  We're enjoying it and learning about which neighborhood to explore next.  http://www.52suburbs.com/

Our friends have a beach house in Cronulla (sp?) and we hope to take everyone there in December. 

The Blue Mountains and Springwood/Winmalee where we live is amazing.  Tropical and cool so very different from Wyoming, but we are enjoying the cockatoos squawking every morning like dinosaurs and the little possums that come crawling around our rooftop at night while we sleep.  The flowers are amazing and since spring is arriving here, it's great fun to garage sale and visit garden shops.  The home and garden shops are packed and everyone is giving our free sausage sandwiches from the grill:)

We are settled into our house but just need to find a car so that's our mission this weekend.  More to come but all is well in Australia so far!


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