Still having fun in Australia

Our list of what we like about Australia so far is growing.... 
1. I like when I wake up at 6am it's prime in the USA for US Open tennis watching
2. David likes the really large mean ants
3. Cullen likes his school, finding new birds,   food... bakeries and the new variety of sports around here
4. We love hearing our possum(s) running around the roof and jumping from tree to tree at night and trying to find them with our flashlight
5. Hiking and looking for kangaroos
6. Playing tennis while cockatoos fly around overhead
7. Plants that only Dr Seuss could imagine
8. Knowing we almost have a car and internet at home!

check out the pics when you have time... putting them up now...


Anonymous said…
Love it - I am so excited for you! Keep us posted. Wish I could say I would love to visit, but probably can't. Love you - stay safe and have fun! Traci

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