Manley beach adventure!
All 7 of us at the beach and what fun we had! The weather was just perfect.... not too hot and not too cold. Everyone wore their sunscreen so we didn't get sunburned. We played on the beach and the kids enjoyed relaxing after working so hard on their finals and getting packed and getting on the plane exhausted!! Here's some pics of our day at Manley beach starting with the ferry ride and ending with chinese dumplings in Sydney..... yum!! Cullen's last day of school is today... Wed so he's excited for (another) summer vacation. This one is only 6 weeks but it will give him some time with his brothers. The college kids went hiking at Katoomba yesterday and said they got lots of great pics so I'll put some of those up. Katoomba is in the Blue Mountains just about 30 minutes from where we live and is a big tourist destination because of the beautiful canyons, perfect temperature and great hikes and waterfalls. Other news..... Oprah ha...