The kids are coming!

The kids are coming so we're preparing for them to arrive.... washing sheets and making sure they have room to relax when they get here.... hoping the weather is nice and sunny.

It appears we're here for a La Nina year and Australia has had more rain than they've had in over a decade!  Dams are full, rivers and lakes that have been bone dry for years have water and flowers are blooming like crazy!  We're wondering about the mozzies... (mosquitoes) but so far they're very minor. 

Cullen's school has been fun for him.  The kids are curious about him and treat him very well.  He's learning Japanese and likes ice skating on Wednesdays when all the kids get to pick a sport and take buses to explore an off campus sport.  The day the kids arrive, their entire grade will go to a movie and then go swimming!  He scored the highest math grade for placement in the 9th year classes.  He'll be also doing Geometry online for credit to keep him on track at LHS.  He REALLY wants a job so we created a resume for him and he's going to pass them around today after school.

David launched a project he's been working on so this week it's become "live" and he's relieved it's working as planned.  He's doing a great job and his associates here are so welcoming to our family. He's leaving for Vietnam on Saturday and will come home to all of us and an adventure in Sydney. 

I've been busy working on the UW database design for the Core Facilities and it's coming along great.  I'm learning so much about database design.   This project is about accounting but even more about establishing procedures for these labs as unique small businesses... so alot like what I've done for many years and I really like it!  It's nice that I can do this online so maybe I'll keep it going after this project is up and running.  David's lab will be the first to go live so we can test it thoroughly before applying it to the other Core Facilities.  Here are some pics of his new lab in the new Berry Center at UW.  It is amazing!  Having the lab users login to submit their samples and retrieve reports and invoices will make them more professional... that's the goal.

The boys have shared videos created by this cool group from Chicago... maybe you've seen them before, but sit back and watch these 2 videos.  I think Martha and John's dogs could be trained to perform in some of their videos:)  These are super fun!

Keep in touch everyone!  Back to work!


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