wow...another year??

It's been a year since we blogged and that is crazy!

2012 has been a great year.  Our parents and children are healthy and doing well!  Our oldest 2 are in college working towards a BFA and Physical Therapy and our youngest is a junior in high school doing very well with great friends.

I want to share this video that our boys made for us for Christmas.  It is so great watching them grow up to be smart, caring people.

David a I had a few of our own big adventures... traveling to Slovenia, Croatia and Austria in July and had the most amazing time!  I am in my 3rd semester in the art program at UW where we have state of the art new building and studios and of course amazing artist professors. It has been fun to see Austen at school as we work on our art.  David is enjoying working on new research ideas... especially Australia or desert themed ones:)  Tanner is working in a molecular biology lab and is also a PT assistant while getting his kinesiology degree.  Cullen enjoys hanging out at his brothers house now and then and it's awesome to see them all enjoy each other.

Happy New Year!!!

The Williams Clan!


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