Art science and Costa Rica !

David and I are having a great time at La Selva Costa Rica.  Meeting new scientists and friends and everywhere we look we are inspired!

We are staying in houses at the biological station and use our rented bikes to go back and forth from the air conditioned lab and classrooms used for the OTS class that David is teaching to our little house and the centrally located outdoor dining and hang out area.

Meals are provided and are basic but very good.  The rice and beans combo is served at every meal (even breakfast) but this awesome local squash and other veggies are served and fresh fruits with awesome homemade salsas are out for us at all meals.  (I'm getting the recipes for the salsas!)

Most of the scientists and students here don't get into town but I've been 3 times!  Such a cute little safe town with the basics of a small community.  We have a driver for our course, Carlos, but a taxi is just $5 one way so no biggie.   Today my friends Laura and Andrea and I went into town to get snacks and a homemade piñata for one of the students birthday party celebration tonight (adding festivities  to the scheduled student presentations tonight). See the pics of the pastries?   Yum!  And they also have Cuban pizza in town and I really want to try that!

Enjoy the pics!


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